These are a few adorable pictures of our little boy. My BFF gave us these onesies and we have been having so much fun taking his picture each month. The alligator and the elephant are his little buddies used as a constant to show how big he is getting. There were so many pictures you can imagine how hard it was to just pick on for each month. He is just too cute.
At birth, Clark was 9 lbs and 7.5 oz, 22" long, with a head of 15", at one month, he was 11 lbs, 22" long, with a 15.75" head. That is 80% for weight, 69% height, and 85% head.

And finally, at 6 months, Clark was 19 lbs 4 oz. at 77%, 27" long at 70%, and a big old head at 18.25" at 94%.
Six months already?? I can't believe it!! He is so so cute, keep the pictures coming!
I know what it's like to have a big baby! Andrew, by the time he was 6 months, was in a convertible car seat because he exceeded the weight limit on his infant car seat, which was 22 lbs. Pretty ridiculous. Clark is adorable!
I love these onesies! I wish I had gotten them for myself when I first had Josie.
I still can't figure out who he looks like. Maybe I need to see him in person.
I love month 5 and 6 the best. I love when they start to smile at you and react to you. So adorable!
Those onesies are awesome. I'm going to have to steal that as a gift idea.
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