Today was a day for experimenting. I saw this braid online and I wanted to give it a shot. It isn't as exciting as I wanted it to be. I felt a little old school. In fact, the other day I asked my brother if my outfit was a little too 1997, his response, "wow, it is getting hot this summer." So, I guess that was his way of answering my question as nice as possible. Maybe that interaction has made me a little sensitive to looking stuck or trapped in time. I don't think this hairstyle is doing me any favors in keeping me fashion forward. Oh, well.
The way to do this braid, is to drop the bottom section rather than joining it with a new section you pick up. The new section you pick up becomes the new bottom section. It sounds complicated, but it was really easy. And, like I said before, I don't think I executed it very well. I guess that is to be expected after trying to style your hair different for 30 days. There is bound to be a day that you don't like.

I see what you're saying about this hairstlye, but at the same time, I think it's still current. Maybe if the braid were smaller, not so big chunks of hair, it would make it even more current. I like it. If I saw you at a party and didn't know you, I would think your hairstyle was cool. And let's be honest, everyone really only cares about my opinion, right? : )
Yes. All that counts is Sarah's opinion.
I have to agree that I like this hair. I think it looks more hippie than I so off?? I think I know the picture you saw, I saw one similar on pinterest. Maybe it was the wavy hair or something. I kind of want to try this hair style, but don't really get how to do it. I will experiment and take a picture for you so you can tell me if I did it right...ha! I agree with Sarah that if I saw you somewhere, I would think your hair was really cool.
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