You know when you have a big event in the distant future and you want your hair to look gorgeous so you start to grow it out so it can go up into a style, well let me just tell you, you don’t have to grow it too long. In fact, my hair was TOO long to do what I wanted to do today. I wanted to throw it up into a simple French twist, but it totally didn’t turn out due to the extra five inches of hair I still had left out of the twist when I was done. Now, if I had planned ahead I would have curled my hair really well so the ends could have curled up into a nice bun on top of the twist, but I didn’t plan ahead and my hair was too straight to cooperate. I tell you all this, because you need to know that some girls come into see me for Prom or a wedding and they have worked really hard to grow their hair out so I can do a style on them. When really, their hair could have just has easily gone up with four inches less of hair. The style I did today, for example, could have been so much better if I had hair four to five inches shorter. People keep telling me that they like the 30 day challenge, but they have shorter hair and what I do wont work for them. I promise you can do more than half of the things I have done with shoulder length hair. For starters, you could get a much better French twist.

I totally need instructions on how to do that!! We live in Phoenix where it's 120* and I can't STAND to have my hair touching my neck and sticking to it this time of year. This looks so great, so please let me know how to do it! Thanks!! :)
Can you do a tutorial on this too please?!
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