Monday, August 15, 2011

Cha Cha Cha Changes- Alex

Alex is awesome. She cracks me up. Her sister Sarah did a blog post about how upset Alex was over The Hills being canceled. She is just a fun girl. The other day she wanted to know what I thought about whether she should get bangs/fringe. We text back and forth and she decided to go for it.

Alex before.
Alex after.
She is proof that you don't need to cut off 9 inches of hair to make a big change. I think she looks great. I LOVE her glasses. I think she looks fresh and adorable with her new bangs. Way to go Alex.

Got any fun changes? Send me your before and after pictures and I will post them on my blog. Email me at splitendsandnewbeginnings(at)gmail(dot)com


Sarah Heder said...

I LOVE before and after pics. They're so fun! And I love the fringe that Alex got. I think it looks great on her! It's so nice that she had a lovely professional (that's you) to help her figure out what to do. Great fringe!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I LOVE my new look. Its kinda like the final touch to a new start, ya know.

Thanks for the compliment! The Hills....I MISS THAT SHOW