Don't you love to learn a new hobby? I love it. For the longest time I have wanted to become a better photographer. To capture my little family with some amazing photos is so important to me. My good friend
Amelia Eve is a great photographer and she has started a little club where we go out to a park around town and shoot away. She teaches us as we go and everyone gives great feedback.

Obviously, I am still at the very beginning of my photo taking skills, but practice makes perfect.

The best part, besides me learning how to use my camera, is the chance to get outside. Taking his picture is pretty fun too.

Take a moment and capture some sweet moments on film. The more you use your camera, the better you will be. I don't ever expect to become a professional, but the time I take to learn now is helping to capture some really special memories.
Cute, cute kid! I love seeing close-ups of his face so I can try and figure out which parts look like you and which parts look like Lincoln. I still have a hard time figuring it out.
Great pictures, Clark is so so so so cute!!! I could definitely see Lincoln in him, but you are represented as well! Good for you for learning something new. I try to do this too, I want to learn forever. :)
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