I have SOO many clients who think they need to grow their hair out before a big event. They think that having it long will give them more options with a glamorous style. Maybe having more length does give you more options, but there are still so many styles for hair that is shoulder length and shorter.

One of my clients on Saturday was a bridesmaid with gorgeous short hair. Meg, wanted her style to look stylish and not dated. I worked a flat iron over the entire back to give her curl and volume. We wanted the front to be polished and not so huge, so I shaped the curls into a soft finger waves and pin curls. It isn't a tight finger wave, but it still gave the front of her hair structure and interest. I think Meg is a great example of a gorgeous short hair style for weddings or nice events.

The point is, don't sweat it if your hair is on the shorter side and you have a big event coming up. There are many options for your hair. Just have a open mind and trust in your stylist, and you could end up with a beautiful style.
Thank you for this post, Mallory! My brother is getting married on Friday and this will be perfect for my short hair! I'm taking these photos with me to the salon :). Blessings!
Mallory, could you please teach me how to do this with my short hair?? I love it!
Lolly=lauren patton btw :)
Fantastic job, Mallory! She looks so classy and glamourous! I love it!
Beautiful job, you are right, short hair can look so elegant, you don't need long hair! I love this style, no wonder you are the best in the country!
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