Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pumpkin Carving/Couples FHE: Take One

Since Lincoln and I got married we have tried really hard to stay social. It seems to be a curse for newlyweds to all of a sudden have no friends and a blank social calendar. That just won't work for me. Lincoln and I have decided to take action and work on keeping up with our friends. Last month a small group of us went to the dollar movies on a monday night. We joked about it being our Family Home Evening group. The joke soon seemed less and less like a joke and more like a great idea. I didn't want a great idea to pass by, so a few weeks ago Lincoln and I had some people over for dinner and carve pumpkins. It seemed like the right thing to do since it was October and Lincoln and I did the same thing a year before, only we were just dating then. It turned out to be a great time and hopefully a small step to getting us back on track with a regular social calendar. I am still working on the picture thing, so bare with me....
Matt showing Haiquis how to carve her first pumpkin!! 

Tiffany and Christy showing off their knife skills.

Maria and Jeremy working together.       

Mark taking credit for the pumpkin Stacy carved while he was watching football.  Good one, Mark.

Some of the finished works of "art." 


Sarah Heder said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new layout (wink, wink). It is so much more your personality! That black background was so "blah"! I seriously can't get over how great it looks.

We were so lame this year. Dan and I didn't carve any pumpkins. I got some from the pumpkin patch but we just never made the time for it. I keep telling him we can still carve it. People use pumpkins for Thanksgiving decorations too, but he insists a jack'o'lantern is a Halloween decoration. I guess if I cared that much I would put my foot down and demand we do it. Oh well! Looks like you guys had a good time with your "FHE" group.

Devon and Alicia said...

We usually carve pumpkins and every year I always complain about it. I really hate the work, but love the end result. Devon usually ends up finishing what I start. This year we decided not to carve pumpkins and to try something new. We cut out eyes, ears, noses, etc. from magazines and glued them onto the pumpkins to make funny-scary faces. They turned out way cute! I am so proud of you for actually doing it.
I wish we lived closer to each other because we would love to hang with you guys. It is hard to find couples that you both like and would want to hang out with. So when you find them don't let them go. When are you coming to visit? Do I have your email address? We are going private after this weekend. Leave your email on our blog so we can stay in touch.

Alex said...

Im so glad you make time for being social. That is so important and I miss being miss social with my husband...but he just isnt into it! HA! Glad you both enjoy entertaining!