Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy 101

I was just tagged (is that what I call it?) from a good friend Natasha (doesn't she have the best name?) to write 10 things that make me happy. I then need to tag 10 bloggers to do the same. I could have just written them out, but I decided to add pictures. It actually turned into a big picture mess, so I hope you can follow along and feel what I am putting down.

These are not in order since the pictures are all just thrown on here... here goes.

1. traveling- I have not been traveling much of late, but I LOVE to travel. This is a picture of my brother and sister Nikki and Marcus and I in Greece.

2. my new bangs- that's right, I got bangs. I did it mostly because I needed a change and also because I work with scissors and the temptation got the better of me.

3. riding bikes- I took this while riding next to Lincoln! I wasn't too worried, we wear helmets!

4. a clean face- This picture is of Lincoln washing his face after he put my mascara on his facial hair as a joke. I don't really care about other people's clean faces, I just LOVE cleaning my face. I have not gone to be without washing my face since before the sixth grade. I just don't do it.

5. girlfriends and sisters- I just love my girlfriends and sisters. I don't get to hang out with many of them as much as I would like to anymore (tear) but I love having them in my life.
These are my longest running friends Sarah and Serena. Oh, how I love them.

These are my beautiful sister who have always kept me normal. I think EVERYONE needs sisters. (I also love my brothers Marcus and Jared, but they don't read my blog, so I don't need to gush about them.)

And, here are my Ohio girlfriends. There are a few that are missing who mean so much to me, but I didn't have a picture. I don't get to see them the way I would like to, but life moves on and it gets hard, but I still think the world of them.

6. the LDS Temple and my faith- I love and live my religion. I know it is true and it helps me with all that I do.

7. sewing, crocheting, knitting- I made this blanket for my grandma for Christmas and I just loved doing it. Lincoln bought me a new sewing machine for Christmas and I have had the best time learning new things and working hard on projects. I will have to post pictures and updates on a later post.
8. Lincoln- (see, I told you this wasn't in any order, or this would be #1) He makes me SO happy. I had to wait a really long time for him, and it was totally worth the wait. I love him.

9. Shade shirts- I love these shirts. I wear them almost everyday. I find them to be one of the biggest staples of my wardrobe. They keep me modest and complete.

10. fullness- I am so very happy when I have a full belly, a full tank of gas, a full fridge, a full heart, a full bank account (is that possible?). Fullness makes me happy.

So, here are the first few things that I thought of that make me happy. After looking them over I realize that I am missing so many things, but I could only do 10 and these are what came to mind. Here are the 10 bloggers I pick to make their own list (only if it makes you happy, no pressure.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something to help bring Lincoln and I even closer

For the record, there are no "F bombs" like they warn about in the opening credits. P.S. I recommend you watch it in full screen because it cuts off part of the picture.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ode to Sarah

We met because of a inside joke when I complimented your shoes.
We were both overly dramatic college girls.
We bonded over Felicity and other WB shows.
Neither of us knew how to drive.
I tried to keep you strong and you kept me strong.
I talked you into chopping all your hair off.
I went away one semester and you wrote me awesome letters.
We were once asked at the airport if weee...
I hated most of your boyfriends, but was really sad when you broke up with the ones that I was good friends with, because we both knew that I would never see them again.
We cried on each others shoulders, many times.
You burned my leg really bad with your poor aim.
We had a really hard summer one year and I thought it would be the end of us.
You didn't abandon me when you got married.
You supported me when I was going through my long single stage.
You told me to end things with someone when I wasn't strong enough to do it.
You had three beautiful girls.
You came to my wedding.
I love that when I am having a hard time, Lincoln tells me to call you.
You are my best friend.
Happy Birthday.