Tuesday, April 28, 2009

a little help from friends

Today I needed a little pick me up. Nothing major, just with the economy, the job market, swine flu (actually, this makes me want to laugh), the rain... a girl could use a little help. I was looking through my pictures and this one did the trick.

Thanks girls...


Candace said...

I've been wanting to comment on your blog all month, but just haven't, so here's a long catch up of comments:

(1) Love the NY post--particularly the homeless man picture. I can't help but wonder if this made him more successful.
(2) Thank you for the link to Ruche and tips on Anthro sales. LOVE it!
(3) WHAT??! I had no idea that they were making this movie (WTWTA)! It looks like it's going to be really good!
(4) I'm jealous of the pink hair--I kind of want to do something like that, but won't because a) I don't want to copy b) my hair is now too short c) I'm just plain too chicken. btw, your hair is getting so long again!
(5) Just to reiterate from fb, I LOVE the dress for the Penzone party. It sounds like it took quite the effort to find.
(6) Pictures of me and my friends always give me pick-me-ups too. I'm sorry you're feeling down though.

Finally, I realized when I saw how long your hair was that it's been too long since we have actually hung out. We'll have to get together soon.

Anonymous said...

think you got a great pick me up. I do love that picture! Swine flu is making me laugh too....im not feeling good and someone told me I had the swine flu...HA!

Unknown said...

Aw...I love you, Mal! You are the best. I wish we all lived close together so we could go out for "drinks" tonight or something! Ha! The swine flu really grosses me out. Especially because I was at the Emergency room until 3am last night with Charlotte surrounded with people with face masks on who smelled a little like swine. Good thing the swine flu hasn't actually been found in MD yet. Ha! You are the wind beneath our wings~!

Sarah Heder said...

Ah, Mal. How I love that picture too! And how I loved coming to your blog and finding it along with how much our friendship means to you. Because truly the feeling is mutual. I count the years we've been friends as if it's an anniversary date or something. I just couldn't imagine life without you! I love you tons!

Unknown said...

By the way, you look like a SUPERMODEL in your pic on top kissing LIncoln on the cheek. Seriously, breathtaking!