Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time for Tuesday

We are all so different, from our style to our habits, to our likes and dislikes. We are so unique. The one thing we have in common is we all have exactly 24 hours in our day. Some of us might be busier than others, but some of us also might spend our time a little smarter than others. I want to start a new segment every tuesday that will help you find the time to do the small things. If we are challenged to accomplish little goals or tasks, we will feel so much better about ourselves once those goals are taken care of. Each tuesday I will feature a small easy task that will take you no more than five minutes to accomplish that when finished will help you feel better about yourself on the outside as well as on the inside. I know everyone can find five minutes in their 24 hour day to accomplish something to better themselves. Are you up for it?

Let's begin-

My BFF had the best gift idea for me on my birthday. She sent emails to 25 of my friends and relatives asking them to print off a post card she sent them and write a birthday note for me. It was awesome getting those cards in the mail. I heard from people I have not talked to in ages. Reading the messages brought tears to my eyes and I will keep those cards forever. Once all the cards were here I put them together like a puzzle to write out a message for me on my birthday. It was awesome.

Now, I am not asking you to do anything this grand for your "Time for Tuesday" task, this probably took Sarah WAY longer than 5 min. Instead, I want us all to write a simple card or postcard to someone special. There is something about the written word that is just so special. Don't get me wrong, emails are nice, but we all LOVE getting letters in the mail especially when they are not bills. Just take five minutes, it doesn't have to be fancy. After you send it off I promise you will feel great. And remember, feeling great and looking great go hand in hand. I know just the person I am sending my letter to. Let me know if you accomplished the task. Have fun.

1 comment:

Sarah Heder said...

I'm doing this and I know who I'm going to send it to. Thanks for helping me make someone else's day brighter by sending them something sweet in the mail. Great idea!