Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 28- "The Lucille Ball"

When you have day two of curls like this, you don't want to get rid of them right away. I was surprised to see how in tact they were. Today was a super hot day and I had to wear it up. I had so many people tell me I looked like I was Lucille Ball or Emma. What do you think


Sarah Heder said...

Emma for sure! Now you just need a dress that makes your bosom almost pop out! Very pretty!

Unknown said...

I love this look, old fashioned stuff just seems to get me all worked up these days. Those curls are serious! I think you could be Emma or Lucille Ball. The point is that it is so fun!

Emily said...

Totally Lucille! You've got the spunk for it!

Jamey Meteer said...

Ooo I love this one. I do my hair like this (minus the beautiful curls) to clean the house :)

Jessica said...

Too cute! I totally love this!